Haven is hosting 2 programs this summer: June 19th through June 23rd and July 17th through July 21st from 9AM - 12PM. Summer camp is a fun way to beat the Houston heat and get some much needed exercise and fun with a great group of kids! Camp consists of BJJ fundamentals training, application, and lots of play.
Haven Jiu-Jitsu Academy is a martial arts studio in Cypress, Texas that teaches Jiu-jitsu as its primary martial art. We also teach judo, wrestling, kickboxing, strength and conditioning. Haven is a safe place for our community to learn the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and other martial arts. We are a proud affiliate of Ground Dwellers Jiu-Jitsu Academy.
We help our athletes focus on becoming healthier and stronger both physically and mentally. Haven assists its members' pursuit and intention of handling hectic, pressurized, and dire situations when they fall upon us by continually practicing under these circumstances.